The Reader's First Impression of You When Reading a Business Letter Is Determined by

What this handout is about

This handout explains principles in business writing that apply to many unlike situations, from applying for a job to communicating professionally inside business relationships. While the examples that are discussed specifically are the application letter and cover letter of the alphabet, this handout also highlights strategies for constructive business organisation writing in general.

What is business writing?

Concern writing refers to professional person advice including genres such as policy recommendations, advertisements, press releases, application letters, emails, and memos. Because business writing can accept many forms, business writers frequently consider their purpose, audition, and relationship dynamics to assistance them make constructive stylistic choices. While norms vary depending on the rhetorical situation of the writer, business writers and audiences tend to value writing that communicates effectively, efficiently, and succinctly.

If y'all have been assigned a genre of business writing for a course, it may assistance to think most the strategies business organization writers employ to both gather and produce noesis. A business organisation communicator or writer may use the following forms of evidence: statistics, exploration of past trends, examples, analogy, comparison, assessment of adventure or consequences, or citation of authoritative figures or sources. Your knowledge of and relationship to your audience volition help you cull the types of evidence most appropriate to your situation.

Who is your audience?

To communicate effectively, information technology is critical to consider your audience, their needs, and how you can accost all members of your audience finer. As you prepare to write, think about the following questions:

  • What are your audience'southward priorities and expectations?
  • What does your audience need to acquire from your document?
  • How will you grasp the attention of readers when you are competing for their attention?
  • How will y'all help your reader move through your certificate efficiently? When is it constructive to use bulleted lists, visuals, boldface, and section headers to guide your reader's attending?
  • What does your audience most need to know?
  • What is your audition expecting? Is your goal to satisfy their expectations, or exercise you want to surprise them with a new idea?
  • How volition you communicate most setbacks? When is information technology advisable to spin bad data with a positive outlook? How volition stakeholders, customers, or employees answer to bad news?
  • In general, how tin you tailor the system and style of your writing to accost your audience's considerations and needs?

When answering the final question, don't overlook the following considerations:

Title. Is it appropriate to address your audience by their get-go name, or is a salutation needed? Are you addressing someone who prefers to be addressed by a formal title such as Dr. or Professor? If you lot are writing almost a tertiary party, do you know what title and pronouns to use? When the proper name of the person you lot're writing to is unknown, then it is customary to accost your letter "To Whom It May Concern." Only this may be impolite if the person'southward proper noun is known or hands discovered. Y'all can find more information on titles, names, and pronouns in our handout on Gender-Inclusive Linguistic communication.

Language. If you're writing in English, ask yourself: Is English language the first language of all your audience members? Are yous using idioms or other expressions that might non be clear to someone with a different groundwork in English? For example, are you using expressions that require U.S.-specific cultural knowledge?

Culture. Does your audience have different customs and cultural norms? How might these customs and norms bear upon the manner they receive your message?

Once you understand your purpose and your audience, you tin brainstorm to consider more than specific elements, like organization and style.

What is your purpose?

To go a better sense of how the purpose of your writing will impact your style, it can exist useful to wait at existing messages and documents from the organization with the following questions in mind:

  • What type of document is information technology (east.g. electronic mail, cover letter of the alphabet, social media post, memo, etc.)?
  • What is the full general length of the document?
  • How is the document organized?
  • How long are the paragraphs or sections?

How is business writing organized?

A common organizational blueprint used across genres in business organisation writing is OABC: Opening, Agenda, Body, and Endmost. While the exact content of your opening, agenda, torso, and closing may change depending on your context, here is the overall purpose of each component of the OABC blueprint:

  • Opening: This section introduces the reader to the purpose of your document or the subject matter you'll be discussing. It lets them know why you lot are communicating with them and why the information is of import to your reader.
  • Calendar: This department lets the reader know, more than or less, what to look from the residuum of the bulletin. Yous can think of it like a roadmap for your document.
  • Trunk: This department is where you lot make your master points and communicate your overall message to the reader. This department is often the longest role of a business document.
  • Closing: Here, you reiterate the main points for the reader and include any follow-up actions or recommendations every bit necessary. In most cases, y'all may request a coming together to talk over your ideas further.

What style considerations are mutual in business writing?

Business organisation writers tend to prioritize articulate and concise communication. When writing in concern, carefully considering the post-obit style elements, along with your purpose and audience, tin can help you communicate more finer:

Active voice. One skill in business writing is how to tactfully take ownership or distribute blame for certain actions. Active voice refers to a sentence construction that places the player of the judgement as its grammatical subject. In general, active vocalism comes across equally clearer, more direct, and more concise than passive voice, which are all elements of good concern writing. Nevertheless, the passive voice can be a useful tool in legally-sensitive writing, considering the passive vocalism can convey what has occurred without naming names.

Jargon. Generally, your audience will adopt plain, straightforward linguistic communication over jargon, because information technology allows them to read your writing rapidly without misunderstandings. However, you may encounter what looks like jargon. Ask yourself if this language may be performance as autograph or whether it's helping establish expectations or norms in business organization relationships. Understanding your audition and why they may cull to either apply or avoid jargon will help y'all determine what is most appropriate for your ain writing.

Tone. While business organization writing should exist clear and curtailed, "concise" does not necessarily mean "edgeless." As y'all write, remember about how your relationship to the reader and near how your audience may interpret your tone. Consider the following examples:

Nobody liked your project idea, so we are not going to requite you any funding.
After carefully reviewing this proposal, we have decided to prioritize other projects this quarter.

While the first example may be more direct, you volition likely notice that the 2nd sentence is more diplomatic and respectful than the first version, which is unnecessarily harsh and likely to provoke a negative reaction.

If you are wondering how your audience will respond to your writing, information technology may also be helpful to have a disinterested reader provide you with their impression of your message and tone after reading the document. What is the take-home message? Does whatsoever language stand up out every bit surprising, confusing, or inappropriate? Where is the writing more or less persuasive? If yous would like more ideas, see our handout on getting feedback.


There are many circumstances in which business concern writing is your opportunity to brand a first impression, such equally in a cover letter. In these scenarios, attention item is especially important. A useful strategy for revising a slice of business writing is to use the acronym Deject: Coherence, Length, Organisation, Unity, and Development. Contemplating each of these elements can help yous to recall about how each section communicates your ideas to your audition and how the sections piece of work together to emphasize the well-nigh of import parts of your message.

Going through the Cloud acronym, yous can enquire yourself questions like:

  • How coherent is each individual component of your document?
  • Does each component follow length guidelines (if provided) or otherwise convey your message concisely? Our handout on conciseness gives 7 common writing patterns that make writing less concise that yous may want to keep in mind when writing for business.
  • Is the information clearly organized?
  • How unified is the bulletin conveyed by all of the components taken together?
  • Are your ideas fully-developed, or might your reader find themselves with any important questions?

Equally you answer these questions and commencement revising, revisiting your purpose, audience, style, and structure tin can help you address the concerns y'all've identified through Cloud. Once you've considered these elements, soliciting feedback from another person tin help y'all ensure your draft is clear and your ideas are fully-developed. Proofreading can help you identify errors and assess the tone of your document, while reading your draft aloud lets you hear your words and estimate your own tone.

Examples of business organisation writing

Now that yous're prepare to first writing, you may desire to come across some examples of business concern writing to guide your drafting process. Below, you can acquire more about and come across examples of two business writing contexts: cover letters for applications and cover letters for sending information. For more examples, explore the University Career Services' Resumes and Letters portal.

Cover letters for applications

Maybe you lot have been asked to write an application encompass alphabetic character for a job or a scholarship. This blazon of cover letter is used to introduce yourself and explain why y'all are qualified for a given opportunity, and your objective is to catch the reader's attention and convince them that yous are a qualified candidate for the task. Although this blazon of alphabetic character has some unique considerations and conventions, it still follows the OABC organisation design and is generally 3-iv paragraphs in length.

  • Opening: In the opening section of your letter, signal your reason for writing. This by and large includes mentioning the job title (if applicable) and how you lot heard about the position. Be specific nearly how you learned of the task.
  • Agenda: In a cover letter, your agenda section sets the stage for a discussion of your qualifications past first summarizing your interest in the position, company, or arrangement. What sets you apart from your competitors? Why are you interested in working in this detail position or company? This department may be combined with the first paragraph.
  • Body: This is where you highlight your qualifications for the job including your piece of work experience, activities that evidence your leadership skills, and your educational groundwork. If you are applying for a specific job, include any data pertinent to the position that is not included in your resume. You might also identify other ways yous are a good fit for the company or position, such as specialized skills you lot take acquired. Illustrate how the experiences and skills from your resume qualify you for the job rather than merely repeating information as it is presented in your resume.
  • Closing: Now that yous take demonstrated your interest and fit to the reader, it is time to request an interview and, if necessary, refer them to your resume. State how you tin be reached and include your contact information for follow-upward. Be sure to close the letter by thanking the reader for their time and consideration before typing and printing your salutation and name.

Two sample letters of application are presented below. The offset letter of the alphabet (Sample #ane) is by a recent college graduate responding to a local newspaper commodity nearly the company'due south plan to build a new reckoner center. The author is non applying for a specific chore opening but describes the position he seeks. The second alphabetic character (Sample #ii) is from a college senior who does not specify where she learned of the opening because she is uncertain whether a position is bachelor.

Sample #one

6123 Farrington Route
Apt. B11
Chapel Hill, NC 27514

January 11, 2020

Taylor, Inc.
694 Rockstar Lane
Durham, NC 27708

Dear Homo Resources Manager:

I just read an commodity in the News and Observer about Taylor's new computer eye just north of Durham. I would like to apply for a position equally an entry-level programmer at the centre.

I understand that Taylor produces both in-house and customer documentation. My technical writing skills, every bit described in the enclosed resume, are well suited to your visitor. I am a recent graduate of DeVry Constitute of Applied science in Atlanta with an Acquaintance's Caste in Computer science. In improver to having taken a broad range of courses, I served as a computer consultant at the higher'southward figurer center where I helped railroad train users to work with new systems.

I will exist happy to meet with yous at your convenience and talk over how my education and feel match your needs. Yous can reach me at (919) 233-1552 or at Thank y'all for your time and consideration, and I look frontward to hearing from you lot.


Raymond Krock

Sample #two

6123 Farrington Road
Apt. G11
Chapel Colina, NC 27514

Jan xi, 2020

Taylor, Inc.
694 Rockstar Lane
Durham, NC 27708

Dear Ms. LaMonica Jones:

I am seeking a position in your engineering science department where I may utilize my training in figurer sciences to solve Taylor's engineering bug. I would like to be a role of the department that developed the Internet Selection System but am unsure whether you lot have a current opening.

I expect to receive a Bachelor of Science caste in Engineering from North Carolina State University in May and past that time will have completed the Reckoner Systems Engineering Program. Since September 2019 I accept been participating, through the University, in the Professional Preparation Program at Computer Systems International in Raleigh. In the program I was assigned to several staff sections every bit an apprentice. About recently, I take been a programmer trainee in the Engineering Department and have gained a great bargain of experience in computer applications. Details of the academic courses I take taken are included in the enclosed resume.

If there is a position open at Taylor Inc., please let me know whom I should contact for further information. I wait forrard to hearing from you presently. I may exist reached at my part (919-866-4000, ext. 232) or via e-mail ( Thank you for your time, and I look forrad to hearing from you.


Rebecca Brock

Cover letters for sending data

Some cover messages simply provide a record of the transmittal of information—say, sending your resume to a recruiter or submitting your project for a class—and may even take the form of an email. Although they are curt, to-the-signal, and often only one or two brief paragraphs in length, these messages even so follow the basic guidelines of business organization writing by using the OABC organisation pattern in a more condensed format:

  • Opening: Briefly explain what you are sending and why.
  • Agenda: In an optional second paragraph, you might include a summary of the information you are sending as an calendar for your reader. A letter of the alphabet accompanying a proposal, for example, might point out sections in the proposal that might be of particular interest to the reader.
  • Torso: You could and then go on to present a primal point or two explaining why your house is the best i for the chore.
  • Endmost: You might end your letter with acknowledgements, offer additional assistance, or express the hope that the material volition fulfill its purpose.

The following are examples of these kinds of cover letters. The first letter (Sample #1) is brief and to the bespeak. The second letter (Sample #2) is slightly more detailed considering it touches on the fashion in which the information was gathered.

Sample #1

Your Company Logo and Contact Information

January 11, 2020

Brian Eno, Primary Engineer
Carolina Chemical Products
3434 Swimming View Lane
Durham, NC 27708

Dear Mr. Eno:

Enclosed is the last report, which we ship with Eastern's Permission, on our installment of pollution control equipment at Eastern Chemical Company,. Please telephone call me at (919) 962-7710 or email me at the address below if I can reply whatever questions.


Nora Cassidy
Technical Services Manager

Enclosure: Report

Sample #two

Your Company Logo and Contact Information

January eleven, 2020

Brian Eno, Main Engineer
Ecology Systems, Inc.
8458 Obstructed View Lane
Durham, NC 27708

Dear Mr. Eno:

Enclosed is the report estimating our ability consumption for the yr as requested by John Brenan, Vice President, on September 4.

The written report is the result of several meetings with Jamie Anson, Managing director of Plant Operations, and her staff and an extensive survey of all our employees. The survey was delayed by the transfer of key staff in Edifice A. We believe, however, that the study will provide the data y'all need to replenish us with a cost approximate for the installation of your Marker Two Energy Saving System.

We would like to give thanks Billy Budd of ESI for his assistance in preparing the survey. If you need more information, please let me know.

Nora Cassidy
New Projects Role

Enclosure: Study

Works consulted

We consulted these works while writing this handout. This is not a comprehensive list of resources on the handout's topic, and we encourage yous to do your own research to find additional publications. Please do not employ this list as a model for the format of your own reference list, as it may non match the citation way you are using. For guidance on formatting citations, please see the UNC Libraries citation tutorial. We revise these tips periodically and welcome feedback.

Bakery, William H., and Matthew J. Baker. 2015. Writing & Speaking for Business, fourth ed. Provo, UT: Brigham Young University Bookish Publishing.

Covey, Stephen. 2002. Style Guide for Business and Technical Writing, fifth ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Franklin Covey.

Locker, Kitty, and Donna Kienzer. 2012. Business organization and Administrative Advice, 10th ed. Boston: McGraw-Hill.

O'Hara, Carolyn. 2014. "How to Improve Your Business Writing." Harvard Business organisation Review, xx November. 2014.

United States Government. 2011. "Federal Plain Language Guideline." Plain Language, March 2011.

University of North Carolina Writing Program. 2019. The Tar Heel Writing Guide, rev. ed. Chapel Hill, NC: UNC Writing Program.

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Artistic Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs four.0 License.
You may reproduce it for not-commercial apply if you use the unabridged handout and aspect the source: The Writing Center, University of Northward Carolina at Chapel Hill

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